Continuing Michelle Obama's push for local, organic foods the White House added a hive to their garden in 2009 that produced 183 pounds of honey last year! Michelle has been making good use of the liquid gold by giving jars of White House honey as gifts to all sorts of important people and donating a significant amount to Miriam's Kitchen, an organization that serves Washington D.C.'s homeless.
After all that sharing there's still some to go around for the first family. They've been using their honey in a bunch of delicious sounding recipes for cookies, gingerbread, honey cupcakes, and more made by Executive Pastry Chef Bill Yosse. Speaking of delicious honey creations everyone should check out this honey cake recipe; I'll let you know how it turns out.
Click here to for a short vid about the Secret Life of White House Bees
Click here for the npr article about Obama's homebrew
I also came across this article that I thought was worth sharing. It covers some of the medicinal properties of honey we talked about in class. The video has a neat little segment on baking lemon-blueberry muffins with honey instead of processed sugar. And the recipe is at the bottom of the page! (If you haven't picked up on it yet I really love food)
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Haha Siobhan! It's Steph! Maybe I will make some honey desserts for my birthday XD I think it is really cool that the White House has their own bees. I definetly wouldn't care for my own bees, even for all the honey in the world. :)